Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July

Happy Birthday America!

We had a really good Independence Day yesterday. In past years, we never really got together with family and friends consistently on the Fourth, and we would go to the big firework shows at nighttime. This year I decided I really wanted to stay home and just have a family celebration.

My parents and inlaws wanted to get togther, and since I'm located in the middle of all of us, I suggested we meet up at my house. So, we did. We have a swimming pool and new patio furniture, so it was the best place really. All the kiddos went swimming and played while the adults sat on the back covered porch sipping drinks, while my husband cooked lunch on the grill. Other than the flies, it was perfect.

It was a flurry of activity during the morning! Lots of cleaning, cooking and of course with me, decorating. I took zero pictures on purpose- I just wanted to enjoy our time and not be fiddling with my phone or camera. I did some quick improvising of Americana decor around the house with my Dollar Tree purchases and stuff I had stashed away!

We had grilled bratwurst and hot dogs, grilled fresh corn on the cob, potato salad, baked beans, deviled eggs, lots of fresh veggie salads, chips and dip, homemade sauerkraut, homemade ice cream and an awesome lemon berry trifle and assorted drinks. Oh, and a watermelon...yes quintessential American summer bbq fare. I did not make all of it myself because everyone who came contributed.

I worked really hard the day and morning before the party so that I could spend the rest of the day chilling. Late in the afternoon, after everyone left except my best friend, it was a lazy group of people all  full of food and tired until dusk. Then my husband ran to the firework stand because most of the time you can get good deals when you wait. When he came home he made a fire in the campfire pit so we could make s'mores. As we started lighting up firecrackers, we could hear everyone else doing the same, all around us. We were all united, celebrating our country's birthday and our freedom loudly!! We could even see some of them high in the sky.

By the time we got to the end of our own personal show, everyone except the firework man was in the pool watching my husband light the fireworks. My 8 year old daughter said, "This is the best fourth of July ever!" Ha ha, that's great because that was my goal. It was just us, in our not awesome to look at but we like it pool, lighting cheapo fireworks, but the feeling I had wanted to capture was there. My friend said, "I'm lounging in a swimming pool that's the perfect temperature, a toasted marshmallow is melting in my mouth, I'm with my favorite people who are all happy,  I'm watching pretty fireworks and I just saw a shooting star. This is the best fourth of July I've had in probably 20 years!" Success! God blessed us greatly!

I did remind the girls what we were celebrating, because they needed a refresher, and that got them really excited. I told my husband he should of dressed up like Samuel Adams and read the Declaration of Independence, but he didn't think that was a good idea. (He is Mr. Drama and is so good at acting, so he would have been good, but it was hot and sounded stupid)

So, now we're in July! Wow, summer is flying by...I gotta finalize school stuff soon, but I really just wanna relax and be in summer mode. Today, well, I did a whole lot of nothing! I was wore out from all the party stuff, so this morning I watched a movie, did light housework, then floated in the pool for awhile, then made dinner and ate, then had a date with my husband and that's it. It was nice.

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