Friday, June 20, 2014

About Me

Hi my name is Jessica. I am the wife of my awesome husband Matt and the mom of four lovely little girls. Several years ago I kept up a blog, and for various reasons stopped blogging. I have attempted to get into it again a few times and it just didn't happen. However, this morning I woke up and started thinking about blogging again.

Like many other blogs that are able to dedicate themselves to a particular I topic, I cannot. I simply have to write about all the things in my life and can't separate them that well. So, my blog is more of a journal of everything. I myself draw a lot of encouragement from other women who blog in this way, as a stay at home wife and mom, and also a homeschooling mom, it really helps to see that there are others in the same place as me. In my small town, there aren't a lot of others to connect with in this way. Blogging is such a great outlet for me.

The things I write about are a hodge podge of sorts. I am interested in all kinds of things, but the main topics I rotate around are my faith~ I am a Christian and as such my life is completely changed since I met Jesus many years ago. Everything I do, I do because He has led me there. If  I do something that He isn't in, then I leave it :) My husband and I are very involved in our little church. We are the praise and worship leaders, along with others. He plays guitar and leads singing while I play piano and back up. We've been going to the same church for many years, which is where we met.

I am also a natural health person. I know that what you eat has a profound impact on your health, and though not perfect by any means, I do my best to provide the family with good food. We are making changes to eat a more traditional Nourishing Traditions diet. This means we do a lot of weird things ha ha! The main thing is we eat good quality locally produced if possible free range meat, eggs, dairy, produce and so on. We have a garden, we have chickens and I have other local sources for getting things we don't grow. I am also busy in the kitchen making sourdough bread, culturing dairy kefir, pickles and sauerkraut or some other interesting food. While God is our source, and He gives us supernatural strength and health, I feel we should take some thought about our food and this is where I've been led. I also play with herbs. I recently made homemade bug repellent, green healing salve, and plan on making other things for our family. Sometimes we get a booboo or a headache and need something to help and it's best to use something natural.

I am a crafter! I have done a lot of things, but what I mainly do is sew and knit. I do this for its functionality, because if I want my girlies to be cute, then I have to make it! I can't depend on a store to supply something appropriate for their age, so I make a lot of our clothes. Knitting is a stress reliever for me, and also functions as a way to provide cozy clothes or toys when we need them. I can also crochet and embroider, but they aren't my go to projects.

Lastly, we are  also homeschoolers. This coming year is our third year, however in September 2013 I felt like they should go back to public school and we did. Overall it was definitely the right decision, as God worked on some heart attitudes in each of us that needed changing, and while to others our decisions may look wishy washy, I don't question the leading in my heart. I've come to a place where I'm not concerned with what others think of me. I want to go where He leads, and many times that doesn't make sense to our minds. So, I am preparing our home and ourselves for the next part of our journey- homeschooling three of them! I will have a kindergartener, a third grader and a fifth grader. We are primarily Charlotte Mason followers, with other things mixed in. (of course, Miss Hodge Podge here)

And so, I shall wrap this lengthy about me post up with this: I am uniquely me, not other people who have successful amazing blogs. I am not trying to be anyone else but me. I may post a lot sometimes, and not others. I might have pictures and I might not. I might have totally random posts here and there- that's being ME!!! So if that interests you, then let's be friends :)


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